Dr. Jean-Luc Adia is the CIWAP (Civil Work Assessment Project) project manager at EDF’s R&D division since the beginning of 2021. The CIWAP project deals with research (monitoring measurement, inspection, NDT&E, material experiment, modelling, digital twin) around concrete structure aging management in NPP. Jean-Luc Adia is a researcher at EDF in the field of characterization and modelling of concrete for addressing the issues of concrete structure aging management in NPP or for offshore power wind farm. Jean-Luc Adia has a civil works and material mechanics PhD, graduated from Gustave Eiffel University in 2017, a Master degree on civil works and environment from Centrale-Supélec Paris-Saclay Engineering School in 2013, in France. Jean-Luc Adia also has a civil works engineer degree of EHTP in 2011, in Morocco.
Avenue des Renardières
77250 Ecuelles
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WP 1
State-of-the-art of quantitative assessment of ageing of concrete SSC
WP 3
Characterization, prediction, and monitoring of internal swelling reactions in concrete
WP 4
Delayed strains of containment buildings in operational and accidental conditions
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