Will lead and co-ordinate activities of the Energorisk experts in the project, bringing his over 25 years experience in conducting and managing comprehensive projects in nuclear energy, and contribute to technical work in several WPs. Mr. Sholomytsky has a master degree in power engineering, obtained at Kyiv Polytechnic Institute in 1992. Since that time he has contributed to many dozens of design and safety analysis studies for different lifetime cycles of nuclear facilities (NPP, research facilities, spent nuclear fuel and RW storage facilities), national and international projects in the nuclear safety field, including miscellaneous activities on long-term operation of Gen II-III NPPs. His expertise includes activities under U.S. DOE International Nuclear Safety Programme, TACIS, INSC and EBRD projects, bilateral co-operation programmes with US NRC and GRS/BMU (Germany), various IAEA activities (CRPs, regional co-operation projects) and Euratom H2020 projects.
Timofeya Strokacha Street Office 141, Kyiv 03148, Ukraine
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WP 1
State-of-the-art of quantitative assessment of ageing of concrete SSC
WP 3
Characterization, prediction, and monitoring of internal swelling reactions in concrete
WP 4
Delayed strains of containment buildings in operational and accidental conditions
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